Arrowstar Kindergarten


Arrowstar believes children are Like arrows in the hands of a warrior (Psalms 127:4). We need to prepare them to be the children who fear God and be ready to fly like arrows in the sky. Here in Arrowstar, we introduce God to the children through Christ-like characters modelling, because we believe we can only bring the children to God through living testimony. Arrowstar also provides a Christ-centered atmosphere where we can have regular devotion with the children and talk about God on a daily basis. 
Aside from helping  the children grow spiritually, our latest program will help them to reach their full potential at every stage of development. It is our commitment to know and understand every child’s need because we understand each child is unique and special. Using this understanding, we can personalize their learning experience so that they feel understood and they can develop their true potential.



Independence Day


The year 2020 is the renewal year of IPEKA Christian School’s early childhood education. It is proven by the pouring of all the energy and funds for the development of a new school: Arrowstar Kindergarten, which will begin serving in July 2020. The concept of Arrowstar Kindergarten has been planned since the middle of 2018. With an awareness of its importance of early childhood education, IPEKA Christian School has felt the necessity of implementing early age education in a pleasant atmosphere, especially for the “Alpha Generation”. Arrowstar Kindergarten emphasizes on the methods of Play-Based Learning, developing spirituality, righteousness, and advancing the child’s potential to the maximum. It is our hope that they will know the love of God and love the learning process.
Arrowstar Kindergarten fully believes that children are like arrows that ought to be in the hands of a hero (Ps. 127:4) so that they can accomplish the purpose that God has set for them. Therefore, if God’s purpose for these children becomes the primary goal in education, it is best to start during their formative years. More importantly, Arrowstar Kindergarten sees every child as a glorious and unique creation of God; they will be guided, educated, and directed according to the truth of God’s word. Their potential will also be developed to face future challenges with a mindset based on the truth of God’s word.
It is our greatest hope that Arrowstar Kindergarten will be a trustworthy partner in educating and developing children to be arrows in fulfilling the purpose of God. They will be ready to face the future according to His will.

God bless…

Handojo / IPEKA Chief Executive Officer